St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church

Applications & Forms

Baptism Forms

Please contact our pastor before setting a date for a baptism.  His email address can be found to the right.  Then, once the date is confirmed, either fill out and email the Word document or print out and scan or mail the PDF document.

Baptism Form 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [96.5 KB]
Baptism Form 2024.docx
Microsoft Word document [57.6 KB]

Membership Forms

Before being brought into membership you need to meet with our pastor.  As a part of the process you will be asked to fill out a Membership Application.  This application can filled out one of two ways, either fill out and email the Word document or print out and scan or mail the PDF document, or bring it with you for your meeting with the pastor.

Membership Application
Microsoft Word document [30.0 KB]
Membership Application
Membership Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [46.1 KB]


You will need to set up pre-marital counseling sessions with our pastor prior to your wedding. Information and forms are provided at the first class. Either/both the bride and groom are required to be member[s] in good standing at St. Peter's in order to get married here.


Church Office


Rev. Joshua P. H. Conradt





Board of Trustees

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© St. Peter's Lutheran Church