"Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6 NKJV
Educational Purpose
Under the protection of God’s Love, symbolized in the promises of His Rainbow, we can strive for our potential. Our purpose is to provide a safe environment and growth opportunities for exploring the stimulation and wonders provided Under God’s Rainbow.
As the colors are primary in a preschool learning environment, so do the colors state our purpose. The green of Earth represents our growth. One of the growth areas we will promote is the cultural and environmental awareness of our earth. In the basic areas of intellectual, problem solving,
creative, social, emotional, self image, and physical development; growth opportunities will soar like rainbow colors under the rainbow protection of professional Christian educators. Finally, we will encourage spiritual growth symbolic in the warming sunshine of God’s Love and the blue sky above.
Our educational philosophy is based on the belief that children learn about their physical and social worlds through playful interactions with objects and people. Research shows that children learn best through direct hands on experiences with their environment using all their senses. The children in this preschool will be actively involved in an environment that provides stimulating and challenging materials and activities that are carefully planed by our staff.
“I have set my rainbow in the clouds.”
Genesis 9:13
2024-2025 Schedule
Yearly Enrollment Form
Supply List